Why we missed Prince William's marriage (20236) 29 Apr 2011 21:20  

Why did we miss Prince William?s marriage?

According to our system, in Price William?s birth chart there is actually a possibility of marriage. On 29 April 2011, his Self in transit, @, is in Sagittarius. In his birth chart, there is Rahu (8) in Gemini. From @ in Sagittarius, Gemini is the seventh House of Spouse. Therefore, Rahu (8) represents spouse while @ is in Sagittarius.

In relation to @ in Sagittarius, Rahu (8) is also Ruler of Leo, the ninth House of exaltation. In addition to spouse, Rahu (8) also represents exaltation, honor and success.

In the transit chart, Rahu (8) transits in Sagittarius until 23 May 2011. Rahu (8), spouse and honorable success have reached self. The normal conclusion is that he would marry.

However, in the birth chart, having Rahu (8) opposite to @ is also the Special Position for Hardship. It indicates difficulty in marital success.

The couple had also broken up temporarily while we wrote the manuscript, and we had no information about the birth time of Kate Middleton. It never occurred to us that they might get back together.

In sum, we gave too much weight to the hardship factor, and hence failed to anticipate the celebrated event.

As it happened, in the transit chart, Jupiter (5) in Pisces is in the fourth House from @ in Sagittarius. This is the Special Position for Success for @, and also strong in Ruler position. Jupiter (5) is also Ruler of Sagittarius, represents Self. Self is therefore especially strong.

In summary, the Special Position for Hardship must have posed some obstacles and challenges behind the scene, but thanks to the determination of the Prince and his exceptionally strong Self, he must have singlehandedly worked out all the obstacles. We failed to anticipate this.

Obviously, love conquers all.

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