Angela Merkel (21379) 9 Jun 2009 11:27  

The next election is on 27 November 2009. We prepared the manuscript of this book in early 2009, but due to the long lead time for printing, the book may appear in the market after the result is already known.

We see her chance of reappointment to the second term in 2009 as very strong.
It occurs at her age of 56. Between the ages of 53 and 56, the 1st (Self) House in transit, @, is in Aquarius.

There are some very positive indications;

A) In the transit chart, there are three planets in Leo which is opposite to @. They are Mercury (4), Venus (6) and Saturn (7). All three are in the Special Position of Plenty in relation to @.
In the birth chart, in relation to @ in Aquarius, Mercury (4) in Gemini is in the 5th (Children) House which is related to sudden luck, Venus (6) is the Ruler of Libra, the 9th (Exaltation) House and Saturn (7) in Libra is in the 9th (Exaltation) House which are both related to honor. The planets in Special Positions in the transit chart are therefore all related to sudden luck and honor.

B) In the transit chart, Mars (3) in Gemini is the Special Position of Plenty for Lagna in Pisces. In relation to @ in Aquarius, Mars (3) is the Ruler of the 10th (Career) House. The planet related to career is therefore in the Special Position.

We therefore predict that she will win the second term as Chancellor.

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